Traceability, JIRA, and More

There's a lot to talk about in CaseComplete 2015. So grab a fresh cup of coffee and check out the video and details that follow.

JIRA Integration

We know that many of you are using JIRA alongside CaseComplete. Teams that do can now upload projects right into JIRA. Choose which items to upload and then how those items should map over. Once your project is uploaded, the items' properties will become labels, you'll get the description and all the details, and even see relationships to other items without having to leave JIRA.

Nested Use Cases and Stories

A use case or story that grows too large can be hard to manage. You can now break these down into smaller pieces while keeping them together - as children. Use cases can now be nested inside of other use cases and stories can be nested inside of other stories. Existing use cases and stories can be moved inside of a new parent. You can also reorganize steps of a use case into a new child use case.

Instant Diagrams

You now get an activity diagram for every use case in your project. It's kept in sync as you make changes, instantly. You can see it in the Diagram tab on the use case form and include it in your reports with the $instantDiagram keyword.

Traceability Tab

Every element now has a Traceability tab. Here you can see everything that the item references and everything that has a reference back to the item. With just a glance, you'll see how many other elements could be affected by a change to the items you're looking at.

Better Autocomplete

What's autocomplete? Autocomplete is a feature that makes you faster and more accurate. It's that list that magically appears when you start typing a name or ID. It can save you a few keystrokes, keep your vocabulary consistent, and create traceable relationships between items. Autocomplete appears when it detects a name or ID but you can also bring it up with a context menu or shortcut and it will filter the list as you type.

New Reporting Keywords

You reporting power users will be able to report on any $ReferencedItem or $ReferencingItem. You'll be able to whittle down referenced items by type (e.g. ByName). You can also insert a use case's $InstantDiagram. See the release notes for details.


Of course, there's more.

We've made so many small tweaks and fixes that we can't list them all, but they add up to a better experience for you. Enjoy.

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