Subversion Upgrade in 2014 R2

A lot of you rely on our integration with Subversion. If you're connecting to a Subversion server or just using the built-in version control system, you're using that integration.


CaseComplete now uses Subversion 1.8 (we were previously using version 1.6). What does this mean for you? Well, if you're using Subversion, you can expect to see an immediate boost in performance when working with shared projects. The Subversion team also made many small fixes that add up to a much more robust storage system for your data.

We put this change along with a host of other fixes and enhancements into CaseComplete 2014 R2. We hope you like it.

Comments (2)

8/19/2014 6:45:27 PM #

Scott Speirs

I saw the email announcing the new version. I would like to know if the upgrade is simply installing and uninstalling. Is anything required? Also, are there any other changes or ramifications to our projects due to the change in SVN version within CaseComplete?

Scott Speirs

8/19/2014 10:36:41 PM #

Jeff Marver

Hi Scott, thanks for the questions. As noted above, the Subversion client used in CaseComplete has been upgraded from 1.6 to 1.8. Yes, the upgrade is basically installing CaseComplete 2014 R2 and then uninstalling CaseComplete 2014. When you open your existing shared projects with CaseComplete 2014 R2, the working copy folders will be automatically converted to the new 1.8 working copy format. Once converted, these working copy folders will no longer be compatible with previous versions of CaseComplete. However, if needed, you can access the shared projects with a previous version of CaseComplete by simply re-Joining them. This information is also available at: Feel free to contact support if you need more info or help. Thanks!

Jeff Marver

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