Multiple Choice Custom Fields

Sometimes, one choice is not enough. That can be the case with custom fields. For example,  you have a “Computer Access” field to indicate what type of computer access an actor has. But what if an actor has more than one type? No problem. CaseComplete Pro version 15 has a checkbox that will allow you to select more than one value choice for your custom field:


Check the Allow multiple choices checkbox and you’ll be able to select more than one value in the Custom Fields section of the actor’s details form or in main Properties window when the actor is selected.

More Enhancements

  • New Jira upload options
    • Can now include the item ID in the name
    • Can now include the item’s notes in the description
  • Excel import
    • Can now import sub items (e.g. notes, issues, etc.)
    • Can now import from multiple sheets
    • A new keyword to specify the kind of items being imported
  • Reporting
    • Can now show primary and supporting actors in the Use Case and Project Specification Word reports
  • New installer: faster installs and simpler command-line installation

We’d like to know what you think. You can get this latest version using Tools / Check for Updates or by downloading it.

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